Yeah, the spirit doesn't move me often to update the stuff on this site. I've been working full time at USC since the beginning of December. Time flies, doesn't it? This section of the site is likely to remain dormant until I need it again.
november 29, 2001The bad news is that the dedicated server has been delayed, but I'm working on it. I took an offer, and will be starting work at usc on dec 3. i'm sure i'll be refidgeting this whole deal as soon as i get a chance to settle down and take a breather.
The good news is that I should be getting a new dedicated server anyday now, so i'll be putting my site back up and all that jazz soon. Um, the bad news is I'm still looking for a job, but that's good news if you're looking for a web developer. *ba dum bum*
this area is currently under reconstruction. (see why)
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