Wednesday, December 15, 1999
12/15/99 11:24:52 PM
oh my goodness this is hilarious

what can i say, i'm easily amused. the only real disappointment i have with q3 is the bots. yes, they're stupid and they have impossible aim, but my main disappointment is that when q3a was first announced, i was excited by the idea that the bots would act as trainers. i sort of envisioned them giving pointers, or having you practice various tactics or something. maybe that's just silly?
12/15/99 11:03:39 PM
my lord my ahis final sucked. i would so much rather be coding all night than trying to memorize stupid slides. last final tomorrow, and then one project due saturday morning. friday night -- sasha & digweed @ the palace! Saturday12:30PM -- I'm outta heah. Soon as I get my bearings, will be revamping ye olde blog (now that i'm done w/ 410 this semester).
12/15/99 1:35:21 AM
ye olde fart joke exchange offers some pretty good laughs.
12/15/99 1:26:35 AM
holy crap!
Tuesday, December 14, 1999
12/14/99 11:30:52 PM
i finally found how to disassociate qt from my png files in ie. gawd that was annoying. had to search through apple's help db for that. amazing how they hid it and made it totally inaccessible unless you were playing a movie file. probably would be easier if i looked up how to set ie's mime types... one thing at least that's easier to do in ns.
unfortunately, it looks like msie can't view png files standalone, but it's better than qt trying to load every single time there's a png. also, i can't find anything searching on msdn on ie and mime stuff. oh yeah, that's why i've been annoyed for the past few months with retarded png displaying. hmm, if anyone knows, feel free to email me.
12/14/99 9:39:21 PM
irony is overrated.
12/14/99 7:27:40 PM
heheh, clothing for your pdas, via evhead. i'm going to try again to find my palm v. it's been awol for the past two week... :( expensive...
12/14/99 3:14:45 PM
a search for rod lavers on google got me to this awesome sneaker site. the web is neet. ;-p
Monday, December 13, 1999
12/13/99 11:25:14 PM
oh yeah, for gen y'ers .
12/13/99 11:23:26 PM
After these two weeks, I can honestly say I'm now moderately experienced in gettting php to do useful stuff. 5 hour critique. looongg. i can understand where chris is coming from, but challenging students (and i mean that in a nonproductive agressive way), you're not really helping them. i'm of the opinion that if there is weakness, then it should either be taught or there should be resources made available to easily learn what's missing... maybe i'm just not getting it.
my fa410 final project is here. still needs a bit of work, especially for the poem i'm working on. will be cool. just need to get everything working.-- yes php's session management does totally suck. and the docs could use some work too. but hey, it's free.
12/13/99 12:37:16 PM
sigh, i'm still working on my fa410 project. it's due in a little over four hours. bah. i figure i've written about 1500 loc (html, perl, php, sql, sh) in the past week. way more than i really have to show for though. a lot of it was just for figuring stuff out. blech. need to get super cranking. then i have three fun days of finals. yipee!
12/13/99 8:12:28 AM
hah, today's suck is awesome: Suckdot: Porn for Nerds. Stuff that Splatters.
12/13/99 3:43:04 AM
poor Lago. just plain wacky.
Sunday, December 12, 1999
12/12/99 11:44:09 PM
interesting, googlescout now reports that my site is most like... my roommate's site.
12/12/99 3:17:07 PM
been working a lot on my final project for my fa410. in between i went out and picked up a copy of q3 at fry's (never buy from ugo - super slow shipping, no customer service. bah.). and saw this funny piece online about the new voodoo cards, heheh.